Friday, March 27, 2009

mmm, cookies!

I'm making the "famous" chocolate chip cookies (=
that is, if Harry comes back fast enough with the chocolate chips, because I might just eat all of the dough.

Other than the fact that im getting fat from cookie dough... im dead broke (= I have been living off of noodles and cereal. So cookies are a HUGE step up! Charm had to go to the dentist today, so she's sleeping in the living room, and right before I came to the kitchen to cook, I put Aiden to sleep.

he seems so much cuter when hes sleeping!

I am still waiting on the third book from the Twlight series.. I finished New Moon on Wednesday, and since Charm's sister took Eclipse, I haven't started it. Let me say, IM DYING!!!
Here are a couple more pictures of Aiden and I (=

Sleepy boy kisses for aunty!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I love Saima

In my first blog, I said that im better known as Maija's little sister... and I didn't mention that I am also Saima's little sister. I love them both equally (=

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mount Redoubt

Last night, Mount Redoubt erupted at about 10:38 p.m. (and 5 other times so far)At the time, I was babysitting Aiden, because Charm and Harry wanted to go to a movie. So, as soon as I heard about the volcano, I texted Charm, and about 10 minutes later she called me, saying that the movie was cut short and she was on her way to Carrs, to pick up essentials. Bottled water, baby food, fresh vegetables. and of course she got other things, including vanilla pudding (so I could make cookies) and Sunny D.

When they finally made it home, which was about 1:00 am. We put everything away, and went to cover the windows that were cracked and cover the engines of our cars. We stayed up till about 2:00 am, which happened to be the estimated time that the ash reached Anchorage. Charm and Harry headed to bed, but I couldn't sleep because I started reading Twilight. I am about 2/3 done with the book now. I can't keep my eyes out of it. I was fine with staying awake, since I expected not to have class this morning. I read till about 3:30 or 4:00 am.

Then, this morning Charm came downstairs to briefly let Kensei out, she mentioned that outside didn't look any different than lastnight. So, I had her go onto the school's website and to my surprise, we still had class BOOO

So I went back to bed, thinking "Maybe i'll just skip Hip Hop today" YEAH RIGHT I woke up at 9:30 and decided to go (= My day was good, I have about 100 pages left before I finish Twilight, and my English teacher liked my thesis statement for my rhetorical analysis. So, now, I go back to reading and possibly doing math homework

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wisdom Teeth, English, Glasses, and Seward

I hope that since my stupid Wisdom teeth are growing, and i'm in so much stupid pain, that as soon as they fully come out, I will be blessed with wisdom. HAHA yeah right.

So yesterday, I laid in bed, all day, becuase my jaw hurt, and so did my head, and so did my stomach. Now, you may think that it was a simple cause of the hangover that so many college students suffer from, but hadn't consumed and alcholic beverage for at least 48 hours. At about 5:30 p.m. I decided to try and eat something, BAD idea. I threw it all up about 15 minutes later. Today, I feel better though, i've eaten, quite a bit, and now i'm in class.

So, over spring break, our english teacher assigned us to post a music video. This music video had to be able to be rhetorically analyzed. After many hours of deciding the perfect music video, I chose "Runaway Love" by Ludacris featuring Mary J. Blige. When we got to class today, she told us that we would have to vote for our two favorite videos and the top four would be used in the actual assignment. Needless to say, I was pissed not only because I knew that most of the other students wouldn't choose my video, but because that ment that I would have to write a 4-5 page paper on a music video that I didn't want to write about. Whatever I guess I will be writing about Johnny Cash, or maybe Linkin Park...

I wrote most of that on Monday, but I ran out of time. Now it's Tuesday night. Lastnight, Carolyn, Megan, and me decided to take a drive. Megan was mad at her...whatever he is, so we got into her little red bug and left Anchorage for Seward. We ended up driving all the way there and back! It was fun, I was super energetic and I sang and danced to almost every song. We got to seward at about 2:30 am and Seward is just as boring as another one of my friends make it sound. So we headed back to Anchorage. I fell asleep right before we got to the city limits of Seward and didn't wake up until I was at home. Today, I got a new perscription for glasses, and apparently my eyes are twice as bad as when I got my last perscription. Hopefully tomorrow I will get new glasses. Which I can't wait for.

State Basketball for high school is going on right now and Carolyn, Cody, and I watched from about 5:15 to 9:30 tonight. We watched Carolyn's hometown win the semi-finals and at the same time, the point hope girls lost. Then we watched the Noorvik boys play. That was exciting. Tim Field dunked twice!! They won. Then we started watching the Point Hope boys play, and at half time, point hope was ahead by quite a bit and Carolyn realized that she was late for work. So we left and now I am hanging out with her at her job, eating green fry bread, and watching a nasty show about close encounters.

Also Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Last night, my friend Heather and I went to the midnight showing of "The Last House on the Left." Let me tell you, it was awesome! Very scary in a real kind of way I guess. Reminds me not take things from complete strangers! After the movie, Heather and I rode around Anchorage, looking for something to do, since we were not about to fall asleep right after seeing that movie. We drove and BSed, almost like being back in kotzebue!

This morning, I woke up at 9:30 am, to Charm and Harry's new puppy. He is a seven week old lab boarder collie mix. Reminds me of Onni though, he looks more like a lab in my eyes. I'll put a picture up as soon as I get one. Anyway, when he finally fell back asleep, I was wide awake of course. So I picked up my book, "White is for Magic" and started reading where I left off last night. I was about a third way done with the book at this point. I finished it this morning and there was no way I was about to sleep after reading that, because it's about a girl, named Stacey, who has nightmares for weeks and weeks before they finally start coming true! Very interesting, because she's into the whole witch thing and conducts spells. After reading that, I decided that I should try and do something with my day, and that was when I decided to attempt doing math homework. Big Failure! :)

So I showered up and called Heather. We decided to go to Plato's Closet, a Value Village, very cool. I snagged a cute grey shirt for four dollars! Heather and I part ways to start 'getting ready' for the night. Of course I started getting ready as soon as I got home, Heather on the other hand, got lazy. Now i'm all dolled up, with no book to read to pass the time! She's on her way over, cause apparently she needs my amazing curling iron.

So, tonight our plan is to "go fishing" for guys, a bit cliche i know, but sounded funny lastnight when we were super tired. So wish me luck, or bad luck...depending on who you are (=

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Theres a first time for everything

So, i'm Elsa. Better known as Maija's little sister perhaps.
I live in Anchorage, sometimes too far away from my family in Kotzebue, and sometimes way too close. I'm a freshman at U.A.A. I have no idea what I want to do yet, BUT I am a dance minor and I love it.
Living in Anchorage is like the funnest/hardest/craziest thing I have ever done. I have some crazy best friends and I love them!

I will, however, miss Kotzebue since i did grow up there.
Right now I should be doing math homework, even though it's my spring break and every other college student is partying it up, i'm sitting in my pajamas (at 4:30 pm) and doing math homework. Like a geek, which i'm not.