Monday, March 23, 2009

Mount Redoubt

Last night, Mount Redoubt erupted at about 10:38 p.m. (and 5 other times so far)At the time, I was babysitting Aiden, because Charm and Harry wanted to go to a movie. So, as soon as I heard about the volcano, I texted Charm, and about 10 minutes later she called me, saying that the movie was cut short and she was on her way to Carrs, to pick up essentials. Bottled water, baby food, fresh vegetables. and of course she got other things, including vanilla pudding (so I could make cookies) and Sunny D.

When they finally made it home, which was about 1:00 am. We put everything away, and went to cover the windows that were cracked and cover the engines of our cars. We stayed up till about 2:00 am, which happened to be the estimated time that the ash reached Anchorage. Charm and Harry headed to bed, but I couldn't sleep because I started reading Twilight. I am about 2/3 done with the book now. I can't keep my eyes out of it. I was fine with staying awake, since I expected not to have class this morning. I read till about 3:30 or 4:00 am.

Then, this morning Charm came downstairs to briefly let Kensei out, she mentioned that outside didn't look any different than lastnight. So, I had her go onto the school's website and to my surprise, we still had class BOOO

So I went back to bed, thinking "Maybe i'll just skip Hip Hop today" YEAH RIGHT I woke up at 9:30 and decided to go (= My day was good, I have about 100 pages left before I finish Twilight, and my English teacher liked my thesis statement for my rhetorical analysis. So, now, I go back to reading and possibly doing math homework

1 comment:

  1. Adaq. I'm reading "the shack" now and its freakin impossible to put down. UGH. I stayed up till 3:30 this morning reading it...but here I am at work by 8:05 am. I think I need a nap. shucks.
