Monday, April 6, 2009

just another manic monday

Wish it was Sunday.

Mondays are always the longest for me. Today especially, because my sister called at 8:39 this morning. She was calling to ask if I wanted to go home for a couple days next week, which is a good thing, BUT I never get up before about 9:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays. After I got off the phone with her, Stefanie Armstrong called from Nana to officially ask if I were willing to head up to Kotzebue for the career fair. Of course I agreed. After I got off the phone, I could not sleep, so I straitened my hair, which only lasted about 10 minutes, and then decided to force myself to try and fall back asleep. I did, and when I got back up at 9:30, I was even more tired than before. I got up anyway and headed to Hip Hop. In my hip hop class, I had to be WIDE awake, and pay close attention, since I was sick last Wednesday, and the other students had gone farther in our final dance routine. It was very hard for me to pay attention and try to learn what the other students already knew. After hip hop, I went to the LRC to get ready for Spanish class, which I missed a test for last week, because of the stupid sickness. I met with our teacher before class and figured out how to make everything I missed up. I knew that today would be long, but I didn't realize how bad it was to procrastinate until till now. In my Enligsh class, we are writing Rhetorical Analysis' which are worth 20% of our final grade...thats more than the FINAL EXAM. Today, we had to peer review each others rough draft, which ment I had to have a 3-5 page rough draft ready before my English class at 5:30. As soon as I got out of Spanish I knew that I would have to bust my butt to get done with this assigment, but since I was so tired from waking up extra early, I decided to take a nap first (= I slept from about 2:30-3:30 and then got up and proceeded to work on my essay. I finished the essay in time, but it is no where near worth 200 points. Now I am in class working with comma splices and it's nice and annoying. I don't get out of this darn English class until 8:15 pm. I am definatley going home and laying in bed for the rest of the night. Maybe I will finish the second season of Gillmore Girls that I recently got addicted to and maybe I will keep reading Eclipse, which I FINALLY got!!! yay.

Other than all my school stuff, I am doing okay. I have recently realized that I HATE strippers and thier drug dealer boyfriends. I would not advise anyone to become friends with people like that. They do not care about ANYONE except themselves, and even then, they do not care about themselves very much. I also decided that I am going back to Kotzebue this summer to work and live with my madre. yay me. I hate to admit that I miss Kotzebue a little. I am excited for softball season (= I also miss Onni, and my neices and nephew. I guess summer time in Kotzebue is not too bad, and I will save money by not having to pay rent. I have also applied for college at the University of Portland, and Eastern Oregon University. I also decided that I will apply for a couple of other places, so I will possibly have diffrent options. SOOO keep your fingers crossed that I get into a new college!! I will put some pictures up of me and Minnie Girl, my sisters puppy and a couple of other randoms eventually. LIKE the pictures that me Megan, Mare, and Merie took lastnight while drinking my new favorite, strawberry wine. We made a music video to "poker face" and if I can, I will put it up as well.

1 comment:


    but I'm glad you're coming! :) Can't wait to see you.
